What is Verbal Communication?



We all know that communication plays a role in our everyday life. Communication is a two-way process of giving and receiving information.

It involves common ideas, concepts, imagination, behaviors, written content, opinions or information. But, do you know that there are different types of communication.

Verbal Communication is a type of communication in which the information is shared by words or speech through mouth. It is done by a spoken language to transmit information. It is of 2 types:

·    Written Communication

·    Oral Communication

It includes the information that people hear on radios, television, telephones, speeches, interviews, group discussions, face-to-face conversations, counseling, calls, memos, letters, notes, email, etc…

Verbal Communication is also influenced by eye contact, gestures and facial expressions. We use verbal communication when:

  •  Conveying emotion and feeling
  • The message does not need to be permanent
  • There is time urgency
  • You need immediate feedback
  • The ideas are simple or can be made simple with explanations.

There are advantages and disadvantages in verbal communication. They are,


  1. More convenient
  2. More reliable
  3. Quick feedback
  4. Save time and cost effective
  5. Maintain secrecy


  1. Language issues
  2. Creates misunderstandings
  3. Chance of leak of secret
  4. Difficult with lengthy message
  5. Problem in long distance conversation.




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