Can You Eat Cereal With Water ? It's Really Up To You

 Is it ok to eat cereal with water ? Cereals are grains from grasses (belongs to family poaceae) that yields starchy seeds suitable for food. They are rich in Carbohydrates and most commonly cultivated from wheat, rice, oats, rye, barley, corn and sorghum.

Cereals are the most important source of world’s total food. It is an stable food, since they are derived either from plants or animal sources. They provide energy to us and aids in digestion due to its high fiber content.

Types of Cereals

Cereals are one of the best breakfast option that exists. They are classified as :

Cold Cereals

They are not heated before serving. They are coated with sugar and lost nutrients through the milling process. Such as wheat grain,...

Warm Cereals

They are heated before serving. They help in weight loss. Such as oatmeal,...

Porridge is an hot cereal and has high fiber content. It is a most common breakfast and also helps us to recover from illness.

Different ways to eat cereal

Do you eat cereal with milk or water ? There are few alternatives other than those such as plant milk, yogurt, powdered milk.

But, what matters is not what you add instead of milk, cereals should be added first before the liquid. So, you can add the required amount of liquid that you need.

Cereals taste different when you add different liquids.

1. Water 

If you add water, you can find that the cereal gets soften faster. The taste depends on type of your cereal, it maybe bland.

2. Milk

By adding milk, it gives you a rich creamy taste as there are proteins and fats in it.

3. Powdered milk

If you are using powdered milk, it gives you sweetness along with the milk flavor.

4. Plant milk

Different plant milks have different texture. If you opt almond or cashew milk, they give you a thick texture, while coconut milk gives you a creamy texture.

If you don't like milk or have milk allergies, lactose intolerance or you're following a vegan diet, then it's best to choose the plant milk.

5. Yogurt

Add yogurt to give your cereal a tangy flavour as they are fermented.

Top your cereals with toppings

Sprinkle a handful of toppings on your cereal to make it more artistic . Add chopped nuts for the crunchiness. You can add fruits like banana, blue berries, raisins and so on.

If you need to spice up your cereal, add cinnamon and wait for it to let a wonderful flavor.     

Can you really eat water with cereal ? 

Actually, Your preference matters the most. No matter if you like bland or creamy taste, Just opt whatever you want.

Or if you even don't want to add any liquids, you can even eat it as it is. They are crunchy and delicious.

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